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  • Newsletter 5 - 19th November 2018

    Mon 19 Nov 2018
  • Pinks and Blues

    Thu 15 Nov 2018 C Gresswell

    Today, as part of our Equality & Diversity Week, we have considered the issue of Gender Equality.  Again the children have been thinking about similarities and differences and learning that we all deserve equal opportunities, man or woman, boy or girl.  


    The children were very surprised to learn that years ago, girls weren't allowed to go to school!  I was very happy to note that they all found this disappointing rather than wishing it were still true!


    We also considered whether there should be such a thing as 'girls toys' and 'boys toys'.  Why not just 'toys' (and why are so-called girls toys all so pink!)?



    Pictures courtesy of 'Let Toys be Toys' (

  • Supporting people with a disability

    Thu 15 Nov 2018 C Gresswell

    Yesterday, we welcomed Aston Hearing from Amersham into our school.  In assembly, they taught the children how our ears work.  We also learned that hearing loss is a hidden disability affecting many more people than you might realise.


    The children in Years 1 and 2 then attended a workshop which helped them to understand how age-related hearing loss affects our grandparents and other elderly family members and what we can do to support them.  Being deaf or hard of hearing can be very lonely and isolating, so it is important to take steps to ensure that anyone with hearing loss feels included.


    This made us think again about what equality means: sometimes, we do have to treat people differently so that they can be included and treated fairly.



  • It's Equality & Diversity Week

    Wed 14 Nov 2018 C Gresswell

    This week we have come off timetable to learn about Equality and celebrate Diversity in our school.  The children are learning the importance of treating everyone kindly and fairly, no matter what our differences. We will be focussing on some quite complex issues including racial equality, gender equality and disability. Above all. we are teaching the children understanding, tolerance and respect.  We want them to know that no matter how different we might appear on the outside, we are all the same on the inside.  No matter what our gender or race, no matter what our family is like or how much money we have, no matter what we believe or don't believe, we are all human and will all benefit from just a little more love and kindness in our lives.


    Mrs Gresswell




  • We will remember....

    Wed 14 Nov 2018 C Gresswell

    What an honour it was to attend the Remembrance Day service at Holy Trinity Church and watch pupils from both the Infant and Junior Schools lay the wreaths they had made in school last week. The weather was kind and the sun shone as we stood together in silence, remembering those who had lost their lives in conflict. We teach the children about Armistice Day each year and hope that we have now started an annual tradition of joining the wider community in their act of Remembrance.

    Claire Gresswell

  • Newsletter 4 - 2nd November

    Fri 02 Nov 2018