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Uniform Information

We have a new uniform!

Please see the guide below, along with the FAQs and footwear appendix.

Winter Uniform (September – Easter) Can be worn all year


Colour / details






Polo shirt


Any school-wear supplier

School trousers / shorts

Charcoal grey

Any school-wear supplier

School skirt

Charcoal grey

Any school-wear supplier

Pinafore dress

Charcoal grey

Any school-wear supplier


White or Grey school socks – no sportswear / patterns

Any school-wear supplier


Black (not leggings)

Any school-wear supplier


Plain black leather

See footwear guide below

Any school-wear supplier


Summer Uniform (Easter – Summer holiday) Optional – winter uniform can still be worn


Colour / details






Gingham / striped, checked dress

Red / White

Any school-wear supplier


White or Grey school socks – no sportswear / patterns

Any school-wear supplier


Not to be worn with summer dress



Plain black leather

See footwear guide below

Any school-wear supplier


PE kit


Colour / details



Children can wear their regular school uniform sweatshirt / cardigan



Children can wear their regular school uniform sweatshirt / cardigan



Red / Yellow / Green / Blue depending on House


Black loose fitting, with no visible logos

(please note, tight lycra style shorts are not permitted)

Any school-wear supplier

Tracksuit trousers

Black loose fitting, with no visible logos

(please note, tight lycra style leggings are not permitted)

Any school-wear supplier


White or Grey school /  sports socks

Any school-wear supplier


Any colour 

See footwear guide below

And sportswear supplier




Colour / details



Burgundy – not available in claret (Infant School only)

Turban / Hijab

Plain black or white

Any supplier


Natural colour, tied back if it is long enough to cover eyes.

Hair accessories

Plain black, soft ties / bands / clips.

No beads or hard accessories.

Nail Varnish

Not permitted


One, single plain stud per ear.  No hoops, or embellishments.  Must be removed / taped for PE lessons. (we suggest children not wearing earrings on PE days).


No smartwatches (with functions / connectivity enabled).  Must be removed for PE lessons.

Bracelets / Wristbands / Necklaces

Not to be worn


New Uniform FAQ


Q – Where (and when) can I buy the new uniform?

A – The jumper, cardigan, PE t-shirt and bookbag can only be purchased from PL Schoolwear:


Q – My child is in pre-school and the current uniform is optional.  Must they wear the new uniform?

A – Uniform will remain optional for pre-school, although you will no longer be able to purchase ‘old’ uniform.


Q – What will happen to all the old, second-hand uniform?  Can we donate to charity or re-purpose it?

A – Yes.  As a school we are very keen to avoid waste, so please do not throw away old uniform.  We will work with the Friends of Prestwood (PTA), to arrange a suitable way of reusing or recycling – watch this space!


Q – Can I buy a plain sweatshirt / cardigan to supplement logoed ones?

A – Unfortunately not.  We have tried to keep the number of logoed items to a minimum to keep costs as low as possible.


Q – Is a book bag needed at the Junior School?

A – No, although we would recommend all children at the infant school use one.


Q – What colour of summer dress is acceptable?

A – Summer dresses are sold in a whole range of colours.  Please only buy red (as already used at the Junior School), not lighter shades such as pink, or darker (burgundy / maroon).


Q – Please can you provide further guidelines around shoes / trainers.

A – In a further effort to reduce costs, we are allowing plain black leather trainers to be worn.  This would allow the same footwear to be worn on PE days. (see footwear guide below)


Q – How do I know which House my child is in / what colour PE T-Shirt will I need to buy?

A -  Children will only need the PE t-shirt that represents their House.  This will be communicated to all children and parents shortly (and for new Reception parents this information – what House your child is in and what colour of PE t-shirt they will need - will be part of your welcome pack)


Q – Will children still come to school next year in PE kit on PE days?

A – Yes, by not changing at school, we are able to maximise the time children spend taking part in PE lessons.  We will host class meetings for parents in September to let you know which days your child will have PE.


Q – Is there any help for families who may struggle to afford the new uniform?

A – Yes.  Whilst we have done our best to keep costs as low as possible, we appreciate that this is a cost some families will struggle with.  If you are concerned, please have a discreet conversation with the school office and we will do our best to support you.


Q – Can my child bring a backpack rather than a bookbag?

A – Bookbags are only needed at the Infant School, with Junior children bringing backpacks.  The Infant School is a small building and bookbags are far more space efficient, so we would prefer no backpacks.


Q – During the transition period, can I switch between old and new uniform?

A -  Yes.  If you can’t keep up with the washing, your child can wear the new uniform on some days and the old uniform on others.  You must, however ensure they don’t mix and match (at the Junior school, a polo shirt and no tie cannot be worn with an old grey jumper / ties with polo shirts etc).

School Shoe Guide 2024-25

PL Schoolwear - Supplier of School Uniform for Prestwood Village Schools
