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Moat Lane Pre School


The preschool team would just like to say well done to all the preschool children who attended sports day last Friday, (Didn't they do well) We thought you were all amazing. A big thank you to all the Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles etc who came to cheer them on, it was a lovely afternoon. We are so proud of all the children.




Our sports day is next Friday 22nd June. 2pm to 2.45pm. We are hoping that all parents and siblings will be able to come and join in the fun..

Please can your child wear suitable clothing and foot wear for running, and please can we ask that before you leave you come and sign your child out with Mrs Sharon or Mrs Julie. It is likely to be hot so please put sun cream on your children and provide a sun hat.

Welcome to the last half term of this academic year.

Where has this year gone, we can't believe that for some of our children this is their last few weeks before moving into reception. It is going to be a busy fun packed time.

Our theme this half term is "Under the Sea" the children have helped to create a lovely under the sea role play area and are busy decorating the walls with sea creatures.




Firemen Visit:

As a surprise for the children we organised for the firemen to come and visit.

The children loved it and were very excited to be allowed to sit in the fire engine and have a go at using the hose. The firemen were amazing and spent lots of time showing the children around the van and explaining what all the equipment was for. The children thought of some very good questions to ask, such as: " where are the ladders kept?  How long is your hose? what are the big scissors for? and can you rescue cats?





The last two weeks of the half term were very exciting, the school took delivery of  6 duck eggs, each day we visited waiting eagerly for them to hatch. In the end we had 5 ducklings. The children were lucky enough to watch them each day,  playing, eating and having a swim. They got to stroke them and some were brave enough to hold them, they loved watching them running around on the carpet and thought it very funny when they pooed.






Welcome to Moat Lane Pre School!

This half term we are exploring Spring and Nature. The children have been going on Nature walks to look at changes in the environment, we have been planting sunflower seeds and cress seeds and reading books about Nature and Spring.  The children have enjoyed collecting twigs and making bug hotels and learning nursery rhymes each week. 


If you would like to support your child at home you could go for a walk and spot different things that are signs of Spring. You could take a photograph to bring in and share with the group. We would love to see your photos!

Pre-School Open Morning

The Pre-school will be holding an Open Morning for interested parents on Saturday 9th June 2018, from 9.00 to 12.00 for the September intake. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Sports Day for Pre-school 

Please note that our Pre-school children will be having their own very special Sports Day at the Infant School at 2pm on the afternoon of 22nd June 2018 on the Infant School Field (reserve date 28th June). All children welcome, so if it’s not your child’s normal session then they can still come along and join in the fun!
