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Week 7

It is our final full week of school and the festivities are in full swing. The school looks amazing with our hand crafted decorations and this week we will be practising and practising for our performance at the end of the week. We hope that you will all be there to watch us singing. 




English: we carry on with The Christmas Story by Brian Wildsmith. We have been learning the text orally and adding actions to help us to remember the words. This week we will be changing the story to make it our own and we will write a part of the story together as a class.


Maths: We will be exploring a lots of Christmas themed maths activities to practise what we already know. 


Phonics: We have completed our learning sessions so we will review what we know. Tricky words are a challenge this year and if you can help your children to learn these by sight, it will make it easier for them to just read them when encountered in their reading books. 

Please look the Info for Parents/Carers page for updates and notices.

