Home Page

Info for Parents/Carers

Hello and welcome to a brand new year. Well done to you all for getting your little lovelies organised and ready for Reception. They are going to have a fantastic year of new experiences, learning and fun. 

We will use these pages to let you know of any thing you might need to know or may find useful for your children in their Reception year of school. If you are unsure of anything, please do ask. We can do quick chats at drop off or pick up however we can devote more time and detail if you make an appointment or send in your enquiries via the office email.


Below there is a timetable of our week that you can share with your child. They will know what to expect in the day and we all know children love a routine. There is also a link to the DfE site about Reception Baseline Data. We will be carrying these out over the next couple of weeks. Do have a click on the Topic Grid page which gives you an overview of Autumn 1's Marvellous Me! topic.


Please do scroll down for new information.


Mrs Smith  & Mr Edmonds 

Reception timetable

Please have a look at the leaflet below in regard to Reception Baseline Assessments. These assessments are for the DfE and are used to monitor progress from Reception to Year 6. If you have any questions - please do come and ask us and we will be happy to help. 

Just to ensure the day runs smoothly (not always possible - we totally understand), it would be helpful if we could please make sure that:

  • water bottles are sippy straw top style, filled with plain water, named and kept out of book bags in case of spillages 

  • every bit of clothing or belonging is named - we cannot say this enough, even when named, things have a tendency to get misplaced. We will try our best to find lost items however, if named, it really helps!

  • hot lunches are ordered weekly with your child so that they know what is going to be served.

  • spare clothes are provided as we have a very limited supply at school and if your child has spare clothes in their bag, we can go straight to it. It is easier for the children to know they have their own spare clothing

Thank you x 

Some useful websites: 



Please find below the link to take you to the Little Wandle parent page where you can watch the videos on pronunciation as well as find lots of useful was to help your child with phonics. 
