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Week 6

Please have a look at the Learning at Home newsletter for some Spring activity ideas to do with the children

As we head towards the end of spring term and enter the summer term, we finish off our Circus topic and embark on a week of Healthy Eating as Easter and its chocolatey delights saunter our way. 


Thank you to all the parents who have been sending in work and photos via Evidence Me. If you have not looked at it for a while please do revisit the app and we will be adding more observations very soon. 


The Reception team have discovered we seem to have depleted our stock of suitable clothes to change children into in case of accidents or getting muddy and wet. We are in need of boys' and girls' socks/knickers/pants/trousers/skirts/tops so if you have any extras that you can donate to us or have forgotten to send back the ones already used, please do bring them in. We will be super happy and grateful. 



Check out what we have been up to this week!

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Please click on the link below for updates on the new lunchtime schedule after Easter break.
