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Week 6

As the frost nips at our fingers and toes and we delve for our winter woollies, the children enjoy learning about Christmas. We have printed our own wrapping paper and had a go at making fake snow pictures. On Monday the whole school are participating in Christmas Decoration day. We will use our festive crafts to festoon the school ready for the countdown to the holidays. 




English: We carry on with the beautifully illustrated 'A Christmas Story' by Brian Wildsmith and begin learning the story using a text map. 


Phonics: We will be reviewing the things we have learned over this half term and finding out what the children know. As ever, please do read the allocated reading book daily as this really helps to practise segmenting and blending as well as spotting tricky words. 


Maths: This week we review shapes - we have looked at circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. Perhaps you can chat about shapes at home e.g. I wonder what that shape is? How do you know? 

Please look the Info for Parents/Carers page for updates and notices.
