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Week 3



We carry on with our focus book Pip and Posy - The Big Balloon. We have talked about Diwali and now birthdays. Can you talk about other celebrations with your children?


Literacy: We have used the story of The Big Balloon to create a text map and we will learn the story using actions. Please feel free to ask us to show you the story. It will help us to practise it and learn to memorise it.


Phonics: We have learned the phonemes 'z' 'qu' and 'ch'. The last two are digraphs which means that there are two letters that make one sound. Tricky words are - go, no, to and into.


Maths: We are exploring how to work out 1 more and 1 less as well as looking at the different ways to make the numbers 1-5. You can help us with this at home. If setting the table for 3 people, you could say Nanny is coming - what is one more than 3? You can do it for 1 less; Daddy is not having a sandwich - what's 1 less than 2? 


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