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Week 3



 King Charles' Coronation


A short week in which we pack in learning about worms and also the King's coronation. We live in exciting times and we will be a part of the history!


Phonics: We carry on with phase 4 learning longer words and our new tricky words this week are: were, here, little and says.


Literacy: We are reading the amazing and fabulous Superworm by Julia Donaldson this week. We will be learning to write instructions. 


Maths: In maths this week, we look at adding numbers and spatial reasoning where we look at shapes and see how they fit into puzzles. 


Topic: Although there is no topic lesson as Monday is a Bank holiday, we will be looking at the coronation through activities provided in provision for learning. 



Our book this week

Coronation activities

Star of the Week

This week Poppy Rouse was chosen to be the Star of the Week out of all the children in the school. This is because she is such a happy, eager and brilliant learner and she always has a go at everything. A super role model to the rest of the school. Well done Poppy - you are a superstar. 

Expert of the Week - please have a look at the page to see who is the expert this week.
