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week 2

Well that was another fabulous week completed.  In English this week, we continued on our Turnip journey, rewriting the story in our own words and then thinking of a new ending!  We had diggers, dinosaurs and various different animals called in to help pull the "Gigantic Turnip" out of the ground.  The week ended with some delicious turnip stew, made by Chef Cordell.  Most of the children had a taste and Hazel class loved it the most!

In Maths this week, we have been revising our number facts and using these to solve addition and subtractions involving 1 and 2 digit numbers.  In Topic this week, we looked at a map of the world and found out where the most of the rainforests are located.  We talked about the climate and how the climate changes around the world.  The children found the equator and the coldest and hottest places on Planet Earth!

In Art this week, the children went outside to collect various rubbings.  These will be used to create their own collage picture later in the term.  In Science this week, the children looked at their turnip seeds and were surprised to see how much they have grown - even in just one week.  The children then spent some time dissecting a plant to identify the key features of a plant. They had great fun pulling the plant apart and getting covered in mud! 


Abacus is up and running.  This week's homework is Balloon Pop!  Any problems with your login please do not hesitate to come and let us know.  


We are now into the summer term.... which means ...... hopefully ..... some sunshine!!!  Please can you send your child in with a labelled sunhat.  If it is forecast to be a hot day, please apply sun cream AT HOME! Don't send your child into school with it. 


Have a wonderful three day weekend! 

Year One Certificates
