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Week 2

Kings and Queens 


This week we will be learning all about kings and queens from history and looking more closely at our current royal family. We will also be creating self portraits using photos dressed up as kings and queens. We will be practising for Sports day and going to visit the Junior school which is very exciting! 


Phonics: We will be beginning our final summer term of phonics moving to Phase 4 CVCC and CCVC words with long vowel sounds. e.g. toast, bleed, sport, green. There are no new tricky words this week so please review the ones we have already learned. 


Literacy: We will look at non-fiction books and information using the Internet about past royals through to present day. We will compare past to present and make up rules if we were king or queen. 


Maths: We will review doubles, odds and evens, carrying on with making and recalling number bonds and looking at shape, space and measure. 


Topic: We are taking a closer look at the people who lived in castles in medieval times including the different types of jobs they had. 


Please have a look at the updated Prime parent page


Secret readers

Royal self portraits

This week we have taken photos of all the children for them to paint a self portrait of themselves. The children have explored learning which colours to choose for the different parts and also to mix new colours from the primary colours. It has been a lesson in observation and what we can see in the photographs from eye colour and hair shade to face shape and perspective. Its also been a challenge to control that paintbrush! 


We have also been over to the Junior school as a rehearsal for our upcoming Sports Day and have enjoyed some amazing weather. Thank you to all for remembering hats, sunscreen and water bottles. 


We also discussed our families this week and some of our smarties knew a lots of family members so we could do a little family tree. If you would like to do this at home, it would be a lovely opportunity to develop language and communication skills as well as delve into family history and talk about the past and present. We would love to see some of your own family trees and display them in our learning area with your permission. 
