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Special Leaders


Last week we thought about special leaders in the community and how they help us. This week we would like you to think about another 'leader' of your choice. It might be someone you know such as Miss Cook, Mrs Nichol or your Brownie leader. It may be someone who you do not know but you look up to such as Harry Kane, Steve Backshall or Florence Nightingale. 


Your task is to research this person. How did they become a leader? What decisions do leaders have to make to help others? You can present your work in any way you choose. You could make a poster, write some sentences or make a PowerPoint presentation. 


Remember to send us any work you have completed. We would love to see it




Sam created a fact file about Harry Kane.

Benji researched Steve Backshall

He then created a fantastic PowerPoint all about him!

Logan researched Steve Backshall
