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Lesson one

Starter:  Let's play Simon Says with someone.  The language to use forward, backward, in front, behind, over, under, left, right, full, half and quarter turns, clockwise and anticlockwise.


Today we will be measuring using a decimetre.  What on earth is a decimetre I hear many a parent/carer cry!  It's a strip that measure 10cm.  I have attached a copy for you to print off or just draw one on some paper and cut it out.  We can use this strip to measure things more easily as it will bend around an object.  If you have a flexible tape measure that's just as good.

The units of measurement we will be coming across are:  metre; decimetre; centimetre; measure; length; longest; shortest; difference.


So let's get started.  First I want you to measure the width of your finger and thumb.  Then measure someone else in the family.  Are they same or different?  Next measure the width of your hand and again a family member. 


Next I want you to find six objects from around your house.  It could be anything that you will be able to measure easily with your decimetre strip or a ruler or tape measure.  Using the sheet below or make your own version record your findings.   Try to make an estimate first, it adds to the fun.


Notice we are going to use the symbols for Greater than and Less than to compare our results.

Printable decimetre strips

Here some challenges. I realise not everyone can print off, but you could take these ideas and create your own measuring task. The Word Problem you can do with out printing off.
