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Lesson 3

Today we are going to look at capacity.  So we will be using millilitres (ml) and Litres (l). 

Remember there are 1000ml to 1 l.


Task one: 

Go on a bottle hunt around the house.  Gather as many bottles as you can.  Please be careful that some may be made of glass and some might be used for cleaning so will be dangerous to you.  Always check with an adult that you can use these bottles.  Just like before we are going to order them smallest to largest capacity.

Then can you record how many that you find that are the same capacity on a bar graph.

Again take the "Difference" challenge and work out the difference between two bottles.  

If your grown up doesn't want you to use the bottles in the house then use the sheet below which has capacity items for a table.


Task Two:

Take different shaped containers.  Now we did look at this during the Easter break, but it won't hurt to look again. 

Measure out 100ml of liquid into a measuring jug. 

Make a prediction by looking at your containers. Which will hold the 100ml and which won't?  Sort them into two different groups.   Then carefully pour out the 100 ml into each container and see if your predictions were right. 

Now try a larger amount of liquid.  Again sort your containers first making that prediction.  Then see if you were right.


Did you know that you can also use sand or rice to carry out this capacity task?  Rice and sand are solid objects but they move/behave in a fluid way, just like water.  They fill the space with minimal gaps.


Task three:

When we talk about capacity we often use the language, full, half full, nearly full, empty or nearly empty.  Look at the bottles that you have retrieved from your cupboards and see if you can put them into groups.  Wright full etc on small bits of paper and place the bottles against the correct label.  Look at the printable sheet and mark onto the containers where full, half full etc would be.


Task four:   Is the jar full challenge?


Take a jam jar and fill it with Lego pieces.  Is the jar full? Look carefully.....

Now put some rice or sand in with the Lego pieces.  Is the jar now full? Look carefully and discuss what you see.

Now pour some water into the jar with the rice and Lego in it.  NOW is the jar full?  Discuss what you have seen.



Task three capacity. There is a printable copy too but you can just use this picture to discuss and point to where the level should be.
