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Information for parents

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Stay and Play 

Please do come along for Stay and Play this week on Monday 13th March at 2.20-3.00pm and also on Thursday 16th March at 8:50 - 9:30am. It will give you an opportunity to see the children use their setting and show you all the things that they can do. It is also a lovely event during which you can play, socialise and interact with your little ones in a relaxed and educational environment. 


Tricky Word Challenge

We have been very impressed at how well the children have learned the tricky words and have already had some donations sent in so thank you so much for those. The deadline for collection is the 10th of March and the school bank details are on the bottom of the form. 

Expert of the week


We have loved listening to and watching the recent expert of the week talks. The talks have been great and we would love to see some more. We thought we would add a little gentle guidance to support you prepare the children for the mini presentations. Expert of the Week encourages communication and language development as well as building confidence to talk to an audience about hobbies or interests or experiences. In previous years we have encouraged the children to bring in some artefacts or items or photographs illustrating their interests. If you would like to see some in action, please do look at the Expert of the Week page on our website. In order to give the children complete independence the teacher usually supports from the background and the children can talk about their models or pictures by themselves. Hope this helps to clarify how to present Expert of the Week and saves you putting together a PowerPoint Presentation. 



Communication Week 


Do have a look at the Buckinghamshire page for Communication Week (click on picture above) - it is full of information and ideas to help develop your child's language skills. Language and communication is one of the Prime areas of the early years curriculum and will be one of the goals that ideally should be reached by the end of the Reception year. Language skills such as good vocabulary and being able to use sentences when speaking or even being able to hold a back and forth conversation through listening and responding are all important developments for a child to make good progress in other areas of the curriculum whether literacy, maths or science. So let us support our children and help by engaging them in a chat whilst you are carrying out an activity or reading with them and looking out for new words. For more ideas look at the leaflets on the bucks cc page down at the bottom for each day of the week. 

Spring 2 


We hope that you have had a lovely and relaxing break and are ready and refreshed for the second half of spring term. In this half term we will be looking at the topic of bears; if you would like to know more about our curriculum please do have a look at the Topic Grid where you will see what the children will be learning and the exciting things we have in store. We are looking forward to welcoming you in to read to Apple and Cherry classes as a Secret Reader and please do sign up for Stay and Play (Mon 13th March or Thurs 16th March). It will be a lovely opportunity to see what we do and look at the provision in Reception. 


If you have any questions, please do come and ask any of the teachers and we will endeavour to help. Please do keep looking at the Tapestry app for updates and feel free to add your own observations of WOW moments at home to the journal. 


The EYFS Team x 




