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This weeks art project is linked to nature again. 

Please also carry on making Andy Goldsworthy designs.


This week we are going to create a bird feeder.  There are many ways in which you can do this, so I will share a few ideas with you.  I think it will be easier for you to watch the video clips below to see the many different ways you can achieve a bird feeder/home.  Don't forget to send photos and share your wonderful creations.

Here's an idea from the Woodland Trust.

Create a Bird cake

Don’t worry, no baking is required. This quick and easy treat is packed full of energy to keep birds going, especially important in cold weather. Design your own recipe or use whatever is to hand.


Ideal ingredients

  • sunflower hearts
  • peanut pieces and other bird seed mixes
  • dried fruits softened with water
  • crumbled or grated cheese
  • cooked rice and other leftovers
  • breadcrumbs.

Things to avoid

  • uncooked rice
  • salted nuts or other foods
  • whole nuts or fruit which could choke.


  • Combine your chosen ingredients in a bowl and add softened lard or dripping
  • Mix together into a firm paste. For best results you’ll need to get your hands in there – a great activity for kids, if a bit messy!
  • Pierce the bottom of a clean yoghurt pot and poke a length of string through
  • Knot securely on the inside of the pot so that it hangs upside down like a bell
  • Fill with the fat mixture and hang outside

Benji and Harry made some super bird boxes

Theo has made his bird feeder. I wonder which birds will come to feed?

Sam has busy creating a home for the birds.

Yann had a little help from his brother to make his bird house/feeder.
