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Week Two

Well done Year 1.  We are so proud of all you have achieved this week.  Some of you are feeling a little wobbly still, but once inside you are all smiles and joining in. 


In English this week we have continued with The Three Little Pigs. The children have thought of some wonderful adjectives to describe the pigs and the wolf.  They then used these words to write a simple sentence, remembering to put in capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. 

In Maths this week we have continued learning our number bonds, and investigated different ways to make a number. 

In Art this week the children had great fun with playdough; rolling, squeezing and stretching and creating sculptures of their own design. 

In Topic this week we had our Roald Dahl Day as it was his birthday after all!  The children learnt lots of facts about him and thoroughly enjoyed listening to a variety of different stories. 

In Science we are starting to look at different materials.  We went of a material hunt around the classroom and school to see if we could locate as many different materials as we could.  Have a look around your home to see if you can identify some too, and talk about their properties and uses.  e.g.  The metal key is strong so it can lock the door safely.  The glass is clear (transparent) so we can see through it.  etc.  Don't forget to let us know what you can find. 

We have had a visitor this week teaching the children basic first aid. They learnt to call 999 in an emergency and administered some plasters to a willing Teddy! 


It was lovely to see so many parents at our meet the teach talk this week.  Please remember we are still matching your face to your child, so "wave wildly" at collection time! 


The weather is on the turn now, so please bring a coat into school EVERYDAY! Even if the weather man says it's going to be dry...... You never know!   Make sure it is clearly named so that we can get it back to it's owner quickly. 


Abacus is up and running and thank you to all those who have logged in and completed their work.  If you have any problems logging in, please just let the office know and we can reset the password for you. 


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  

Well done to our certificate winners this week. 

Hazel Superstars

Maple Certificates
