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Week One

Wow was an amazing start to the week.  The children have settled into their new routines with ease! 


In English we are learning the story of The Three Little Pigs.  The children have learnt the story using actions.  Ask them to show you this.  They have drawn a story map, stepped out the story using actions and sequenced the story pictures.  In Maths this week we have been learning a song about our number bonds to twenty.  We have been counting up to 30. The children have been estimating and then counting carefully to see if their estimate was correct. 

In Topic we looked at the different kinds of maps you may see.  We used positional language to describe where Little Red Riding Hood was on a map. "Little Red Riding Hood is between the castle and the wood." "She is now behind the house."  Why not use this positional language when you are out and about.  The children then drew their own map adding different features to it. e.g. castle, bridge, woods, house. 

In Science this week we went on a seasonal walk in the rain.  The children could see the start of the Autumnal changes. Weather permitting, take a walk and see what Autumnal changes you can spot around your own home. 

The children braved the weather to tie some ribbons on our fence in remembrance of the Queen, who sadly passed away yesterday.  The children were aware of this monumental event in history and it was lovely to hear them talk about it.  


Hazel class have brought home their Abacus Logins on a bookmark.  Please check in their bags.  There is homework set for them and they have had a go in class so they know what to expect.  Maple class will get their login bookmarks next week.  Mrs Cordell will be showing them how to play the game too.  

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A little glimpse into life in Hazel class. Some estimating and clever counting in Maths this week. Some handwriting practise and sequencing our story of the Three Little Pigs. Well done Hazel Class.