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Week Four

What a soggy end to the week!  Well done everybody you have had a fantastic week. 

In English this week the children have created a bank of adjectives to describe the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk.  They then drew a story map of the story and went on to write it in their own words. 

In Maths this week we have been looking at shape.  Focusing on 2d shapes. The children discussed the properties of a shape and went on a hunt around the school to see if they could find any shapes. We used Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams to sort shapes according to their properties. Click on the link below to access some games on Top Marks. 

In Art we used playdough again to begin planning our sculpture.  They then drew it in their art books.  Next we will begin to use clay, so it could get a bit messy on Monday. 

In Science we continued with our Materials topic.  The children had a selection of materials and spent time discussing and naming the properties of the materials.  

In Life Skills we talked about people in our lives who we are thankful for.  The children then wrote a message to them in a card.

In Topic we zoomed into Prestwood on google earth to look at aerial views and tried to match an aerial view to a front elevation view. 

Please take a look at our week in pictures below.  

Top Marks is a wonderful Maths website which is full of fun games.  If you click on the words Top Marks it will take you to a game we have played this week featuring shapes and sequencing of shapes. 
