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Week Five

Another fabulous week.  In English this week the children have been baking!  They had lots of fun measuring and mixing and then of course, eating!  The children described their gingerbread men and then wrote the story in their own words at the end of the week. 

In Maths we have been looking at one more and one less, estimating and grouping in 5s and 10s.  The children practised their five times table and ten times table. 

In Topic this week the children drew their own symbols to represent places in Prestwood.  Next week the children will be drawing a map of their route to school, so take the time to talk about your route on the way in and out of school.  Do you pass a carpark, church, supermarket etc. 

In Science this week the children investigated different types of material to see if they were water proof or not.  They used the word absorbent to describe anything that was not waterproof.  Have a look to see if you have anything that is waterproof or not at home. 

In Art, we made sculptures out of clay. Fingers crossed they will be dry enough to paint on Monday. 


Abacus is up and running so please make sure you log on and complete the tasks set.  Any problems logging on, let us know and we can reset your password. 

Another game  from TOPMARKS to play this week.  Please focus only on the addition and subtraction. 

Hazel Certificates

Maple Certificates


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