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Week 7

Bears are amazing animals and this week we are finding out information about real bears. We know that information can be found in books, the Internet and from experts. We asked questions about bears and then looked for the answers. Some of our questions were very interesting!

We have also been our Bear Hunt this week which was great fun and you can see the photos next week!

Also discussed was our Show Racism the red card on Friday. We looked at the way we are all different and these things make us unique but we are all still friends. Celebrate the differences!





Have a look at all the fantastic things we have been doing this week!

Still image for this video

We are starting to see our Home and Family display build up. It is great for our children to see each other's families and have a sense of home. Please do send in your photographs too to be added to our display. We would love for all the children's families to be represented. 

Thank you

