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Week 7

And so, this is our final week...


We begin our final week of reception and it is going to be a very exciting week. We have our Castle Wow Day to look forward to on Tuesday - remember to bring your costume to school so you can wear it. 


We will be collecting all of our belongings and bringing them home over the week so that we are ready for the summer. Our learning this week will be full of fun and summer as well as reviewing the things we have already learnt. 




Thank you to parents and carers. 


The reception team would like to say a big thank you to all you for all your help and support over the year. We try our best and sometimes, things don't always go according to plan, however you have all been amazingly supportive. You were all fabulous Secret Readers and the money you all helped raise for our Tricky Word challenge was fantastic! We appreciate all the donations made in toilet rolls, empty boxes, pens, Easter packs and much more. We have really enjoyed teaching this lovely year group and are sad to say goodbye.


We hope that you will still say hello and give us a wave and we look forward to seeing any siblings that may be heading our way. 


The Reception Team xxx

(Mr Edmonds, Mrs Kirby, Mrs Smith, Mrs Clarke, Ms Kaye, Mrs Dolbear, Mrs Benning & Ms Brooke-Read)

Secret Reader

We have loved all our secret readers and our last one of the year was Orson's mum. She read a book about saving the planet which was fun and very interesting. It sparked all sorts of questions from Apple class. It was called Elephant in my Kitchen by Smriti Halls.

Our Castle Wow Day photos
