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Week 7

Week 7


We are hurtling to the end of the first half term. For our final week we have a shopping excursion to buy ingredients from our local CO-OP on the High Street and then we are going to make very simple pitta pizzas to celebrate the end of our food topic. We can't wait! 

We loved our shopping trip over to the Co-op on the High Street. The staff were very kind to us and gave us the things on our shopping list as a donation. We appreciate this and the want to say a huge THANK YOU to the CO-OP. We made our pizzas the following day and they were delicious. 



This week we learned how to write lists for our shopping trip. We had a go at writing a list in class: there are lots of things to remember from how to write the letters to sounding out the words and writing them under each other!


Phonics: We have been reviewing the sounds we have learned so far in phonics. Some are easy to remember and some are just so evasive. Please do look at the sounds we have learned so far and practise them at home. You can also practise blending games by asking the children to fetch you a p-o-t for example. Can they blend the sounds and find you the correct thing. 


Maths: We have been reviewing all the things we have learned so far in maths, from patterns/sorting/counting 1:1 and subitising. When you are out and about, ask chn what things they notice and see if they can find numbers or shapes and patterns around them. 


Topic: This week, we have discovered the inventor of the ice cream scoop was Alfred Cralle. In 1897 when he was working for a hotel, he noticed the people were having trouble serving themselves ice cream as it stuck to the spoon. He invented the mechanical ice scream scoop which could be used with only one hand. 

Check out what we have been up to this week

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