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Week 6

As we head towards the half term break, we have a final flourish of our mini beast topic by looking at the garden and all the healthy foods that we can grown and eat. This week we are looking at healthy fruit smoothies and we decided we should make some so that we could learn to write instructions. Everyone concluded that smoothies are delish-delosh, even the grown ups thought they were refreshingly tasty. 


We said goodbye to the Minibeast Role play area but we look forwards to the new role play - We wonder what on earth could it be? We have had the bikes and trikes out this week and enjoy going really fast up and round the ramp. It important that we take risks but need to be aware of our speed and the space around us. Some of us find this challenging so in the hols, it might be a good skill to develop. Climbing trees and balancing along small walls to help judge the space around us. 






Cherry Class Smoothie Instructions

Have a wonderful and relaxing half term break everyone. Recharge those batteries because Summer 2 is FULL ON!


The Reception Team 

