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Week 6

Our final week of the first half of the Summer Term and hasn't it whizzed by. The children have fitted in so much learning and have been really enjoying using our new outdoor area. We released our butterflies last Friday and they were definitely ready to spread their wings. 


Phonics: This week is assessment week but please continue to practice the sounds that we have learned and encourage your children to read words in their environment. Can they read signs or the names of foods during the food shop. You may be surprised at how much they can read. This will also give them the growing confidence to read words other than just when they have a book in front of them. 


Literacy: We will be writing all about our trip to Hogshaw Farm and talking about our favourite parts of the trip.


Maths: We will be looking at odd and even sharing and will begin to look at double numbers. 


Song/Poem/Rhyme of the week: Animal Fair

Special Events: Walk to School Week, any form of transport other than a car counts, whether that be a scooter or a bike. National Bee Day is on the Monday 20th May, some of the children have already started to explore a little bit about how important bees are to our environment.


Reminder: Monday 3rd June is an inset day, children will return to school on Tuesday 4th June. 
