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Week 6

Bug Poems 

This week we practise our performing skills and enjoy the final week our our Magical Minibeasts topic. 


Phonics: This week we review the sounds and tricky words from this half term and the teachers will be finding out what we have remembered. 


Literacy: We will be looking at poems about insects and learning a few so that we can perform them for an audience. It is a chance to take part in a group as well as build the confidence to perform to an audience and use our voices and actions to create a showcase for our talents. 


Maths: We look at number bonds and also odd and even numbers so that we can become familiar with the concepts. Please do ask us about this at home and see if you can spot odd and even quantities of things. 


Topic: We are very lucky to have Mrs Benning's dad, Steve, come in to speak with the children. He keeps bees and makes honey and he very kindly came in to show us his bee keeping equipment and some interesting objects created by the bees. We also had a taste of his home made honey. 


Secret Reader 

This week our secret reader was Bran's mummy for Apple class. She brought in a book that was Bran and his sister's favourite called The Toucan Brothers by Tor Freeman. It was a rhyming book and was a good story about doing things properly and not taking shortcuts. 

Steve the bee keeper

Take a look at our activities this week.
