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Week 6

The Bear and her Book

Our last book for this half term is The Bear and her Book by Frances Tosdevin & Sophia O'Connor. It is a gorgeous book which will hopefully cultivate a love of reading. 

This week is also very exciting as we go on our school trip to College Lake and learn all about bears there. 


Phonics: Still looking at longer words, we review how to chunk words and look at words ending in -s.


Literacy: We read the book The Bear and her Book and follow the bear's adventure through the story and we will make our own story map and then innovate the story. 


Maths: We look at number patterns as well as reviewing shapes patterns. 


Topic: We look at the upcoming celebrations for Easter. 

Secret Reader 

The secret reader for Cherry and Apple classes this week was Evie and Poppy's mummy. She read The Eyebrows of Doom which was a very funny book and we all really enjoyed it! 

Well what a busy and super-fun final week. Our school trip to College Lake was tremendously interesting, we learned a lot about nature and what animals need to survive - ask us about SWAF! We were very lucky with the weather and even managed a picnic lunch outdoors. Our final week ended with an Easter egg hunt which was brilliant and now it is definitely time for a break!

College Lake and some Learning on our own.mp4

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Expert of the Week

This week Zac was an expert on trains - he knew an awful lot about them and was very articulate in his explanations. Wow - we really enjoyed it and we learned a lot about the different types of trains and the equipment. 

Zac EofTW Trains.mp4

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