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Week 5

Science Week May 2021

"Innovating The Future"

Science Week is here and this week we are hoping to ignite the fire of curiosity in some of our budding little scientists. All children are naturally inquisitive and what better way to discover new things than trying out new investigations and experiments?


The theme is Innovation For The Future and in our growing ethos of recycling and sustainability we look at change for the better. 


If you would like to take part at home please have a look at the  British Science Week website for some ideas. 


Here are some of the things we have been doing at school this week alongside our Magical Minibeasts Topic. This week we looked at the book Oliver's Vegetables so we took part in lots of fun fruit and vegetable based activities. 


Thank you to all the parents who have sent in jam jars, it is much appreciated. 

Just a quick reminder that all reading books are due in on Wednesday 26th May for a book audit, so please do send in your child's reading books and record. They will be returned after the half term. During this time you could share books you have at home or look at our useful websites pages for websites with stories to read together. 


Many thanks 


Mrs Smith x 
