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Week 5

How to Catch a Dragon

This week is an exciting week as we learn who our next teacher will be! It is transition day on Tuesday and this is a very exciting or anxious time. We have been talking about it at school and we went to Year 1 to look around last Friday whilst the year 1s were on their school trip. 

We are also practising our end of year assembly. We have had a busy year so we want to show you what we have been doing. Look out for the assembly letter!


Phonics: We look at words ending in -er and -est as well as reviewing Tricky words.


Literacy: We look at ways of catching dragons as we are learning all about instructions. We will step out the instructions (verabalise with actions and repeat them to commit them to memory) and then we will have a go at sequencing and writing them. 


Maths: We have been developing our subtraction skills especially numbers to 5. 


Topic: We will use our topic lessons to practise our assembly. 



Secret Reader


Our secret reader in Apple class was Lucy's mum who brought a wonderful book about pirates to read to the class. We enjoyed asking questions at the end. 


Apple class ideas to catch dragons
