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Week 5

Hogshaw Farm

This week is all about our school trip to Hogshaw Farm. Fingers crossed that it is dry and even more fingers crossed for a little sun. As we have been learning about insects, we will take part in a workshop all about interesting minibeasts when we are at the farm. We will also see all the other animals and learn a little about life on a farm. 


Phonics: We carry on with Phase 4 and look at how to read words ending in -ing, -ed (sounds like t), -ed (sounds like id/ed) and -est. Tricky words this week: out and today. 


Literacy: When we go on our trip we will look at the website and think about what we will see by looking at a map. On our return, we will have a go at writing a simple recount. 


Maths: We delve in doubling and starting to halve even numbers by sharing. We will also review the number bonds that we have been learning too. 


Topic: We will create some school rules for our trip to keep ourselves safe and have a good trip. 

Secret Reader


This week Apple class were lucky to have Jackson's mummy as our Secret Reader, who read Just Being Ted by Lisa Sheehan. It was a great book and when asked if it was Jackson's favourite book, Mrs H said that it was hers! Jackson said that he didn't like the ending because it had a unicorn in it. We thought it was great -Thank you!

This week after waiting very patiently for our caterpillars to eat, grow, create their chrysalises and hang out for a while whilst metamorphing into butterflies - they finally emerged from Monday through to Thursday and we let them go on a lovely sunny day. It was amazing watching them grow, change and of course, watching them fly away. 
