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Week 5

Wow what a way to end the week.  We hope you all enjoyed your Elmer dress up day.  There were some fantastic outfits from some very creative parents, it just goes to show you don't need to buy outfits.  


So this week it was the children's turn to rewrite the story of Elmer in their own words.  Some wonderful language was used and they have all thoroughly enjoyed this unit.  To finish off the children wrote a book review and you'll be pleased to know it was a 10/10 from all. 

In Maths this week the children have been tackling counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  Please follow the link to top marks train game where they can practise their times tables.  Don't forget to log onto Abacus and catch up on the homework!  

In Topic the children found out more about dinosaurs and in Science we compared an elephant to a dinosaur.  The children could identify which were herbivores or carnivores. 

In life skills this week we have been working on how to be a good friend.  As we get to the end of the half term, we always notice that friendships can get a bit strained because everyone is getting tired.  


A gentle reminder please ensure that reading books and reading record books are in their blue book bags every day!!

Year One certificates
