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Week 5

Another week has flown by.  In English this week the children have created their own robots. Drawn and labelled it, created a story map and then written about their robot. 

In Maths this week we have been looking at coins.  We are beginning to understand the value of different coins and how to create an amount using a variety of coins.  There is a great coin sorting game on Topmarks.  Click the word and you will connect to game. Homework this week is Starfish Strike.  There are still quite a few games not completed so if you are having trouble logging in please do come and tell us and then we can reset your passwords. 

In Topic this week we recalled facts about the Wright Brothers.  In Art we have carried on with our still life drawing, adding texture and shadow to our work. 

In Science this week we did an experiment to see which material would be the best to make ear muffs.  We learnt about the inventor Chester Greenwood. 

Winter has arrived today, so please can we ensure that the children have a suitable coat, hat and gloves in school.  Please make sure they are named clearly. 


See you at the Christmas Fair on Sunday! 

Hazel Certificates
