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Week 5

Week 5


Its National Smile Day today so we hope that you have lots to smile about and here are our week's activities to hopefully make your smile brighter! We had a visit from our local dentist from the Prestwood Dental Health Centre. Next week we are learning all about teeth so it is a great introduction to looking after our teeth. We also celebrated Harvest and we learned how we appreciate our food and where it comes from. 




Literacy: Our story this week is The Little Red Hen as we have celebrated Harvest at school. We created our very first Story Map and thought of actions so we could retell the story. 


Phonics: We have learned the sounds: ck, e, u, r. 'ck' is our first digraph (two letters - one sound). We have also started our group reading practice and we will be using the phonics we have learned so far to decode words and begin reading. 


Maths: We have begun exploring the conservation of number. This is understanding that a quantity does not change with physical arrangement. We also began our first foray into subitising: to recognise an amount without counting. See if you can spot a group of three things when you are out and about. We also thought about different ways of sorting things.


Topic: This week in our topic lesson we had a look at a video about the Harvest Festival. Did you know that Harvest comes from Har - fest which means Autumn in old English. 
