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Week 5

Week 5 

How to catch a dragon 


The weeks are flying by and we are almost at the end of the year. Can you believe that soon you will be going to Year 1? We have Transition Day on Tuesday morning where we will be visiting our new classes and meeting our new teachers in Year 1. We have been visiting the Year 1 area so it is not completely a surprise however we are excited about meeting our new teachers!


Phonics: This week we are looking at words with the suffixes 'ing' and 'ed' 


Literacy: We are writing instructions on How to catch a dragon. We will be learning about time words such as First, then and next as well as 'bossy' verbs at the start of instruction sentences. 


Maths: We are focusing on mental addition and subtraction this week. We will start the week off by counting on 1, 2,3 or 4 from any number giving totals up to 20. Later on in the week we will be subtracting 1, 2 or 3 from numbers up to 20.


Topic: We are looking at medieval clothes and comparing what they used to wear with the type of clothes we wear now. 

Have a look at what we have been doing this week.
