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Week 4

What ho! You say that is is already Week 4 and we have been a school for nearly a whole month - how did that happen? It's gone so fast, how can we be on the verge of October? The nights are drawing in and the air has definitely a touch of chill about it.

We have been exploring Autumn and looking at the changes as well as reading the story of Goldilocks this week. We had a go at retelling the story, sometimes we got a little mixed up but we have also learned about Growth Mindset, so it is ok to make mistakes because that it how you learn. 

In maths we are learning to count items using 1 to 1 counting. We still over count and undercount although there are lots of counting activities out when it is Learning On Our Own time. We are starting to recall some Numicon plates and what number they represent.

We were very lucky at the end of the week when Daddy Bear sent us some of his special porridge and we had a taste. Some of us liked it and gave it a thumbs up although some of us did not like it very much. 


Have a look at the video to see some of the things we have done since the start. 



Check out all the fun we have been having so far!

Still image for this video

This week's fun antics!

Just a quick request:


To help settle the children further and create a sense of their own space, it would be lovely if you could send in a photograph of your home with your family to stick up in our Home Corner for a My Home display. We will quarantine them and put them up after 72 hours. The children would love to see their families as part of the Home Corner and it would encourage Speaking and Listening activities as well as Imaginative Play. 


Thank you!

