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Week 4

This week we have been looking at the story book by the wonderful Eric Carle called The Bad Tempered Ladybird. It is a hilarious book and we loved joining in with the repeating phrases. You could ask us what happened in the story and see if we can retell it. We also enjoying halving and counting in maths, making bug hotels and doing a mini beast hunt in the Reception garden. There were lots of fun things to do this week including magnetic painting, we made squirling paint patterns using a paper clip and a magnet. We tried writing and making patterns with soap and painting paper plate ladybirds. Some of us write secret messages on ladybirds for our friends to find. There were iPads out so that we could use Doodle Pad. Outside we had a lot of fun bouncing on the Space Hoppers, we made a see saw in the construction area and were trying to work out how to be the heaviest side. We also made a slide using a plank and took risks to see how far we could climb and slide. So much fun! 

Take a look at what we have been up to so far this week!

Still image for this video

As it is Science Week next week we have a gentle request for some clean, empty jam jars for our Friday science activity. If you have any spare jars at home that you could send in for us to use, we would be extremely grateful. 


Another little request too as we are quickly running out of spare clothes for changing the children in case of accidents or getting wet or muddy. If you have any spare items that we could use in different Reception children sizes, please could we have them to add to our dwindling collection. We could use joggers, polo shirts, girls knickers and socks and boys pants and socks. Spare shoes would also be welcome. 


The last one is a just a gentle reminder that toys and items from home should stay in the safety of your home as at school they may become lost or damaged. We understand that your little ones might sneak toys into their pockets or book bags so you may not be aware of it. 


Thank you for your constant support.


The Reception Team x


