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Spring 1 Week 4

Hello learners! 


We have another busy week of learning planned for you so get ready to grow those brains! smiley


You will be having your very first French lesson with Mrs Naylor on Wednesday which will be lots of fun. In Maths this week, we will be spending the first few days learning about 3D shapes, to make this easier for you to learn about we suggest that your grown ups find some everyday objects to go with the following 3D shapes: Sphere, Cube, Cone, Cylinder and Cuboid. Sorry grown ups... we know this isn't ideal but we have been advised to follow the curriculum long term plans and we do need to learn about 3D shapes this half term. 


We know lots of your grown-ups have been very busy trying to do their own jobs and getting you logged on to the zoom lessons isn't always easy so we have now got permission to add a more detailed overview of each lesson to our website, we hope this is helpful. 


We hope you have a good week! 


Love the Year One team x 
