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Week 4


Another week begins and we stay in the land of traditional tales with the story of Rapunzel.  We really enjoyed Sports Day last week and are looking forward to exercising our skills in this lovely weather and in the garden. As it is quite warm, please do remember to send the children in with a hat and a water bottle. Water bottles with a sports top are much easier to use for little hands and minimises spills so please do bear this in mind. We are happy to refill bottles so a standard size water bottle would be great. 


Phonics: We look at words ending in -ing, -ed and review tricky words that have been taught so far. (Do take a look at the LW parent page for support).


Literacy: We explore the world of Rapunzel by making a story map and retelling the story. We also compare Rapunzel with alternative versions of the story and throw in a bit of drama. 


Maths: We review the days of the week and now look at months of the year.


Topic: We are looking at the types of clothes worn by people who lived in castles. 





Secret reader 

This week Cherries were lucky enough to have Logan's dad come in and read to the class. 

Have a look at some of our activities this week.
