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Week 4

Wow what a way to end the week!  We had the fabulous ZooLab visit the school today.  The children were super excited and were very brave gently stroking the different creatures.  We met Olaf the corn snake, Fred the Tree Frog, Jelly the Gerbil, a tarantula (!!!) and an African snail. Take a look at the pictures below. 


In English this week we have been reading Elmer the Elephant by David McKee.  We used adjectives to describe his personality and where the story took place.  In Maths we have been looking at 3d shapes, days of the week and months of the year.  Why not look for some 3d shapes when you are out and about this weekend.   In Topic the children used their detective skills to work out which dinosaur we were describing.  In Art this week the children made their own fossils as well as using different materials to create a print of a dinosaur skeleton picture.   In Life Skills this week are continuing our Healthy Me topic so we looked at how to stay safe in the sun!  PE we continued our yoga skills. The children are becoming more fluid in their transition to each move. 


Abacus is up and running please let us know if you are having any issues.


Just a quick reminder about Uniform, please check the policy if you're unsure what the correct uniform should be.  

Weekly Certificates
