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Week 4

Week 4 




Literacy: This week we have been looking at the story of Oliver's Milkshake. We made smoothies and thought of some adjectives to describe the smoothies. We had great fun and they tasted delicious. 


Phonics: This week we looked at the letters g o c k. It might be fun to have a look around your house or garden looking for things that begin with those letters. You could look for the letters when you go out and about on signs or in papers or books. 


Maths: Our maths lessons were about exploring patterns. We noticed the patterns around us and then made our own repeating patterns. We also had a go at making patterns using shapes, noises and actions. What kind of patterns can you find at home? 



The PPT from the Meet the Teacher morning is available to look at on the Parent Information Page. Click on the word PPT to go the parent page. 

Making some Super Healthy Smoothies
