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Week 3

Welcome Back!


We look forward to seeing you all

on Monday at the Reception gate.

Our hearts are bursting

We just can't wait...


It is going to be fantastic to see everyone back together. Our first week back is going to be so much fun. We have missed you lots, we are sure you have missed your friends too. There will be lots of things to explore and learn as we settle back in. We might have forgotten some of the things we used to do at school so all the children who have been coming to school through the lockdown have all volunteered to ease the way. You will recognise them as they will be wearing their 'Back to School Buddy' lanyards which we made at school. If you have forgotten where something is or what to do, you can ask them to help. Of course the grown ups will be there to help you as well. The Back to School Buddies are really looking forward to giving you a hand and seeing you all again!


The Back to School Buddies

What a great week back we have had after Lockdown number three. It was wonderful to see everyone back and in our nearly usual environment. Of course we have to follow the Corona safety guidelines however it has been a success. Most of the children are back in the swing of things and have remembered lots about school. We have reviewed all the school and class routines and we recall where everything is and how to do things safely. We have played with everything and rediscovered the joy of junk modelling! Our outside area will soon be our own again after the builders leave although this has been an intruiging experience in itself. We can all let out a big sigh of relief as the first week is over with smiles on our faces. Most children have gone home with the right equipment and jumpers and that is always great!

We look forward to next week when we will start our phonics groups again and carry on with class maths and literacy.  A big thanks to all of you for keeping our lovely children busy and learning throughout the lockdown. It has been wonderful to see some of the learning that has been carried out at home. We will build on this and embed some of that lovely learning you have all been contributing to. 

Some of the fun things we have done this week.

Fun on the new ramp

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