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Week 3

Well done year 1, another fabulous week under your belts. 

In English this week we have created our very own Crazy Creature using a computer program called "".  Once they created their creature they set to work describing it; thinking about what it ate and where it lived.  They then created a report on their creature. In Maths this week we have been adding numbers to a two digit number.  Looking for patterns in our calculations.  e.g. 1+4= 5, 11+4 = 15, 21+4 = 25.  Below you will find a link to Topmarks again for some ordering and sequencing games with a Chinese new year theme!  In Topic this week we continued with our dinosaur topic.  The children learnt about the different era's and found out facts about the dinosaurs of each era.  e.g. Triassic, Jurarssic and Cretaceous.  They found out which dinosaurs were herbivores or carnivores.  Lots of wonderful discussions and excited children.  We all love dinosaurs! In Art this week the children created repeated patterns using different objects.  In Science this week the children carried on with the herbivore, carnivore theme adding in omnivores too.  The children looked at what each animal ate and sorted them into the correct category. 

In life skills this week we talked about how much screen time online was healthy.  Lots of great discussions about the pros and cons of using the internet.  Well done everybody. 


Abacus is up and running.  There are still quite a few of you with missions not completed.  Any problems logging in please let us know.  



Why not try the Chinese new year ordering of one and two digit numbers on Topmarks.

Year One Certificates
