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Week 3

Wowzer Year One, we have had a full jam packed week! 


In English this week we have been looking at non-fiction books.  The children took some time to locate the various different features within the book.  Contents page, index, blurb, glossary, pictures, photos, diagrams and labels.  They also found out some interesting facts and shared them with the class.  We also learnt about Alexander Graham Bell.  Ask the children if they can remember what he invented?  The children were shown pictures of the first phone invented.  They also saw pictures of how the telephone has developed over the years to the mobile phones we all use today. They were lucky enough to see some old phones, some of which they recognised from either their own homes or from their grandparents homes.  Cables!!!  Yes they had cables and you couldn't walk around the room with one....  This linked in nicely to our of Topic where we learned some more about AGB. 


In Maths it has been all system go looking at units of measurement, position and direction.  First we looked at position and direction.  Then we moved on with non-statutory units of measurement, which is anything that is the same length  e.g. cubes and some of us used our shoes.  We discussed how we couldn't use everyone's shoes at the same time as we all have different sized feet!  We drew around a few of the children, then took it in turns to measure them with their own shoe.  We then used cubes to measure different objects.  Today the children used rulers and were introduced to centimetres (CM).  They measured different things around the room. 

Abacus this week is Toucan Team.  There are a lot of children who have homework not completed, so please can we ask you to spend some time doing a bit this weekend. 


In Art we looked at shading and how to create it.  We used pencil, chalk, oil pastels and charcoal.  Lots more messy fun! 


In Science we had a quick look at how we measure rain.  We have created some rain gauges and have placed one of them in school.  A few have been sent home with staff who live in the surrounding villages and we will compare the rainfall on Monday.  


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can you ensure that your child's reading book and reading record book are in their bags each day. 


Hazel Class

Still image for this video
We had great fun measuring this week.