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Week 3

Week 3 

We are settling in very well to our new routines and doing very well getting used to whole days and weeks at school. We are joining in with the school community by attending assembly and we even joined in via zoom this week as we learned about Dog Safety with the Blue Cross. 

We are exploring our new topic about food and this week we looked at different types of vegetables through our book this week which was Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French. 


Phonics - we have begin learning our sounds and so far have covered s a t p i n m d. Please look on Tapestry to watch a video on pronunciation and formation to help you at home. 


Maths - we have been exploring counting 1:1 this week and the importance of moving objects so that we know that we have counted them. Sometimes we miscount or count them twice so its always a good idea to move the objects as we count them. The number of objects is the last number that we counted.  


Literacy - We have read Oliver's vegetables by Vivian French and discussed all the different vegetables that Oliver tried. We had a go at drawing a list and saying the initial sounds of the vegetables. We also had a go at describing the vegetables. 



  • Keep an eye out for the memos on Tapestry and see the photographs of the children learning in provision. 

  • Do let us know if you have any questions.

  • Library days are Fridays if your child would like a new book, please do slip the old one into their book bag.


