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Week 3

Our book this week is by the amazing Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Alex Scheffler. You may have read this countless times. A great book which fits in with our minibeast theme, with rhyming and adventure. 




We will be looking at worms this week. Already the question "How do worms move?" has been asked by one of the children and we looked it up to find they move using little bristly hairs on their bodies! Who knew!



We will be exploring long vowel sounds (ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air and er) and reviewing the phase 2 digraphs (ck, sh, th, ch, ng, nk).

The tricky words this week are: some, come, love, do. If you would like to practise these at home, it will help with reading, and writing. 



Using the Superworm book, we will be reading it, answering questions and then learning to write instructions on how to rescue the Superworm. We will focus on using 'bossy verbs' to begin our sentences. 



We ware carrying on recalling number bonds as we are finding this challenging as well as recognising and talking about 2D and 3D shapes.



We made worm jelly using sweet worms and jelly. We wrote instructions for making the jelly. We did not eat it as lots of people had handled it and even though we washed our hands we thought it would be a better idea to put it in the tuff spot for a bit of sensory play. 


Reading books

You should have a Parentmail explaining the new reading book system, these are the same books we read in our Reading Practise sessions on Tuesdays and Fridays, so we implore you to send these back everyday. We are very lucky, these are brand new books so you can imagine we want them to stay in the same pristine condition. It may be a good idea to keep water bottles out of the book bag on a Friday in case of inadvertent mishaps .smiley The children will be keep the books from Tuesday to Friday morning. 


Thank you to all the parents who have sent back their trip permission slips and paid. If you have not got around to it yet, please could we ask that permission slips and trip money is handed in by Wednesday 11th May or Thursday 12th May by the very latest. You have our utmost gratitude.
