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Week 2

Wowzers that was a hot week!  Please ensure that your child has a water bottle and hat in school each day.  Do not send your child into school with sun cream in their bags.  Please apply the cream at home so they are ready for the day.  


In English this week the children innovated the story of Peter Rabbit.  They kept to the story line, but changed the characters and instruction.  They had great fun drawing out their story map first, and then writing up their story.  Some wonderful description was used too. 

In Maths the children have using their times tables. We looked at repeated addition, how to make "lots of" and then turn it into a multiplication fact.  e.g.   2 + 2 + 2,  3 lots of 2, 3 x 2.  We used cubes and drew the pictures to help us understand.  Lots of practise on times tables please.  We are focussing on 2, 5 and 10! 

In Topic this week Paddington Bear went to Edinburgh. The children gathered facts and then wrote an email to Aunt Lucy. 

In Science this week we looked at the impact that humans have on our planet.  The children created posters to remind us to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle as much as possible.  They discussed how to keep our planet clean by picking up the litter, whether it is theirs or not!  Protect our planet and keep the animals safe. 

In Art this week the children carried on with their textiles work.  This week they learned (to varying degrees of success) to thread a needle and begin a running stitch.  


Abacus is up and running.  This weeks challenge is called Canopy Chaos.  Any problems with logging in, please do let us know and we can reset the password for you. 

Weekly Certificates
