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Week 2

Wow what an incredibly busy week we have had.  In English we have continued with our Supertato work.  On Monday the Evil Pea caused chaos in both classrooms. Maple had turned into a supermarket over night!   The children practised taking notes about the incident before writing a newspaper report the following day.  On Wednesday we had a fantastic visit from the author Kev Payne.  He spent time in each classroom and the children thoroughly enjoyed their time with him. Of course how can we not forget World Book Day.  There were some incredible outfits and the children loved sharing their favourite stories. 

In Maths this week we have been using our known number knowledge to solve problems.  Remembering different ways to make a number. Finding that missing number to complete a number sentence. 

In Topic this week we learnt about Emmeline Pankhurst and how what she did improved the rights of women today. 

In Science we have been understanding our senses.  The children spent time outside using their senses to record what they could see, touch and hear etc. 

In Art this week we have continued on our colour journey by mixing secondary colours.  The children really enjoyed this task.

Abacus is set.  This weeks challenge is called "Bop and Bird!"  Please do take the time to log into your account and complete the tasks set each week as this consolidates what your child has been learning this week.  Any problems with your account login, please get in touch and we can reset passwords for you. 

Year One certificates
