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Week 2

What a fantabulous week.  In English this week we have been creating a non chronological report about a Tiger.  The children came up with questions they wanted to find out, and we researched to find the answers.  The children then built up a bank of words and pictures which where then used to created their own booklet at the end of the week. 

In Maths this week we have been working on our number bonds to ten, doubles up to 9.   

In Topic we are now looking at Dinosaurs!  The children shared their initial knowledge with the class.  We can't wait to investigate more about dinosaurs in the weeks to come. 

In Art this week we looking at patterns.  Different ways to create a pattern using a paint brush, roller and our hands!  Lots of messy fun had by all. 

In Science we are looking at classifying animals.  The children sorted animals into groups.  They are beginning to use the relevant language to classify an animal e.g. mammal, reptiles etc. 

In PE we are practising Yoga.  We are very chilled at the end of the session. 

In Life Skills this week we learnt about sugar and the effects it has on our teeth.  We learnt how to brush our teeth for two minutes each time. 


Marching Madness is the Abacus task.  Please make sure you log in and check it out! 

Hazel and Maple Certificates
