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Week 2

We have had a busy second week in Reception. The children have impressed the adults by remembering their new routines and settling in to school well. We have started our "Fantastic Food" topic and the children have been painting vegetables in our creative room as well as using their imaginations in our new pizza restaurant role-play area. 


In Maths, the children have been practising counting to ten. We have done this by asking the children to count out up to 10 objects from a group of given objects, verbally counting to 10 by rote, counting the number of jumps, hops and spotty dogs and also counting the number of beats from instruments.


We had a wonderful library visit where the children looked through books and we shared a story together. The children have also borrowed their first library book which we would encourage you to read and enjoy at home with your child. Please remember to return your child's library book every Friday. 


Please do keep your eye on Tapestry as we are now sending home observations and memos.
