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Week 2

Here we are at Week 2 and we are learning all about birthdays. We had a little drama session and a chat about how we celebrate birthdays. We started to learn how to write a list of presents for Lola our listening leopard. Writing is very important and so we have also started Busy Fingers which is a 5 minute fnger gym that we do everyday after lunch. You could do this at home too as many children will benefit from these activities. Things like kneading and pinching playdough, or cutting paper using scissors as many children are unaware of how to use scissors correctly. 

Pinning clothes pegs onto card is a good one too and using large tweezers to pick up stuff. These are all great ways to make little fingers stronger and more able to hold a pencil. 


Have a look at the video to see the things we have been doing this week.  


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